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The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020 – Belly fat is not just a pesky thing that makes your clothes too tight. Inside the abdomen there is something called visceral fat and this is quite harmful. This type of fat is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes and heart disease among others. Some health organizations use the BMI (body mass index) to predict the risk of diseases. Individuals with a lot of visceral abdominal fat run an increased risk, even if they look thin on the outside. Although losing belly fat can be difficult, there are a number of things you can do to achieve this.

Here are 20 effective tips for weight loss that are scientifically proven!!!

1. Eat lots of Fibre

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Soluble fibers absorb moisture and form a jelly that ensures that your food passes through the digestive system slowly. Studies show that this type of fiber promotes weight loss because it helps you feel saturated, so you naturally start eating less. It can also reduce the amount of calories that your body gets from food. And most importantly, soluble fiber can help you fight belly fat. A large observational study with more than 1,100 adults found that the increase in abdominal fat decreased by 3.7% in 5 years for each 10 gram increase in soluble fiber intake. Do your best to eat fiber-rich foods every day. Excellent sources of soluble fiber include linseed, shirataki noodles (konjac noodles), Brussels sprouts, avocados, legumes and blackberries.

2. Stay away from trans fats

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Trans fats are in some margarine’s and some types of spreads (such as peanut butter, hazelnut pastes, etc.) they are also added to certain packaged foods. These fats are associated with inflammation, heart disease, insulin resistance and an increase in abdominal fat, according to observational research and animal studies. A 6-year study found that monkeys who ate a diet rich in trans fats received 33% more belly fat than monkeys who ate a diet rich in unsaturated fats. If you want to reduce the amount of belly fat and protect your health, read all labels carefully and stay away from trans fats. They are often listed as “(partially) hydrogenated”

3. Take it easy on the alcohol

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Alcohol can still be healthy in small quantities, but it is extremely harmful if you drink too much. Research also shows that too much alcohol can cause an increase in belly fat. Studies show links between heavy alcohol consumption and significantly increased risks of excessive fat storage around the waist. You don’t have to give it up completely if you like it, but limiting the amount you drink in a day can help. More than 2000 participants showed that those who drank alcohol daily, but on average less than one drink per day, had less belly fat than those who drank alcohol less often, but took more on the days they did drink.

4. Make sure you get your protein!!

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Protein is a very important nutrient for weight control. A high protein intake increases the release of the saturation hormone PYY, which reduces appetite and increases the feeling of being full. Protein also increases the metabolic rate and helps maintain muscle mass with weight loss. Studies show that people who eat more protein, often have less belly fat than those who eat less protein. Make sure you eat a good source of protein with every meal, such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy, whey protein, or nuts.

5. Keep Calm and Carry On

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Stress can lead to an increase in abdominal fat because it stimulates your adrenal glands to make cortisol; the hormone that is also known as ‘stress hormone’. Research shows that high cortisol levels increase appetite and stimulate the storage of abdominal fat. Men and Women alike who already have a large waist size often produce more cortisol in response to stress. Increased cortisol provides even more fat storage around the waist. Develop fun and relaxing activities that reduce stress. Try to engage in Tai Chi, Yoga or weight lifting to reduce levels of stress and release of cortisol.

6. Stop eating so much sugar!!!

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Sugar contains fructose, which in excessive use has been associated with various chronic diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and liver cirrhosis. Studies show a link between high sugar intake and increased fat around the waist. It is important to realize that it is not just about refined sugar. Even ‘healthier’ types of sugar (such as real honey) must be eaten in smaller amounts.

7. Do your cardio lazy!!

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Aerobic training or cardio is a good way to improve your health and burn calories. Research shows that it is one of the best ways of to reduce fat. However, the results are mixed when it comes to the type of training that is better now, with moderate intensity or high intensity. Apart from intensity, it is important how often and for how long you train. A study shows that postmenopausal women throughout the body lost more fat at 300 minutes of cardio per week than at 150 minutes of cardio per week (always spread over 5 days).

8. Eat fewer carbohydrates, especially refined ones

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Lowering your carbohydrate intake can work well if you want to lose fat. Diets with less than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day cause abdominal fat loss in overweight people, people at risk for diabetes. You don’t even have to follow a very strict low-carb diet; some studies show that replacing refined with unrefined starchy carbohydrates can already improve metabolism and reduce belly fat. In the famous Heart Study, people who ate the most whole-grain cereals were 18% less likely to have excess belly fat than those who ate many refined grains.

9. Replace your cooking oil with Coconut!

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Coconut oil is one of the healthiest fats you can eat. Research shows that the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil can stimulate the metabolism and can reduce the amount of fat that you store in response to a high calorie intake. There are so many indicators in controlled studies that it leads to a decrease in abdominal fat. In one study, obese men used coconut oil for 12 weeks a day and lost 1 inch of their waist circumference without intentionally making changes in diet or exercise. The best way to eliminate belly fat is by taking about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil daily; the amount that has been used in most studies and that produces good results. However, keep in mind that coconut oil still contains many calories. So do not add extra fats to your food, but replace some of the fats that you already eat with coconut oil.

10. Make sure you do some weight lifting

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Resistance training or weightlifting is important for maintaining and increasing muscle mass. Research shows that this type of training can work well to lose abdominal fat in people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes –  and with fatty liver. One study with overweight teenagers even showed that a combination of strength training and cardio led to the largest decrease in abdominal fat. If you want to start weightlifting it is good to ask for advice from a medical professional. Also seek the assistance of a personal trainer!!

11. Avoid sugary drinks

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Studies show that sugar-rich drinks lead to more fat stored in the body. A 10-week study showed that people who received fructose-rich drinks had a significant increase in abdominal fat. Sugar-rich drinks turn out to be even worse than solid foods with a lot of sugar because they get absorbed rapidly in the blood stream. Since your brain does not process liquid calories in the same way as solid, it is likely that you will eventually spike insulin levels that assist in storing fat. This includes the use of alcoholic beverages. Be aware that many alcohol drinks contain high amounts of sugar and access calories.

12. Ensure adequate sleep

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Sleep is important for many aspects of health, including your weight. Studies show that people who do not get enough sleep usually  store more abdominal fat. A 20-year study involving more than 59,000 women found that those who slept less than 6 hours a day were significantly more likely to gain weight than those who slept 7 or more hours a night. The condition known as apnea, where breathing occasionally stops during the night, has also been associated with excess belly fat. In addition to at least 7 hours of sleep per night, you must also ensure that your sleep is of sufficient quality.

13. Keep track of what you eat and how much you train

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Many criteria can help you lose weight and belly fat, but eating fewer calories than your body needs to keep its weight is the most important. This is called a caloric deficit. It can help keep track of your calorie intake through a food diary (or on a fit bit app or fitness pal app). This appears to be a good strategy for losing weight. In addition, these types of tools help you keep track of how many proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fibers and micro-nutrients you consume. Many of them also offer the possibility to keep track of your training and exercise. You can find apps / mobile apps to keep track of your diet and calorie intake.

14. Eat fish every week

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Fish is rich in high-quality proteins and omega-3 fats that protect you against diseases. There is also some evidence that these omega 3 fats help in reducing belly fat. Studies with adults and children with fatty liver indicate that fish oil supplements can cause a significant decrease in liver and belly fat. The goal is to eat 2 to 3 servings of fatty fish a week, such as salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel and anchovies.

15. Stop drinking fruit juice

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020Although fruit juice contains vitamins and minerals, it contains just as much sugar as in soft drinks and other sweetened drinks so it is very deceiving. If you drink a lot of it, you run the same risk of increasing the belly fat. A glass of apple juice contains 26 grams of sugar, half of which consists of fructose.

16. Add apple cider vinegar to your diet

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Apple cider vinegar is very good for health, it can, among other things, lower blood sugar levels. It contains acetic acid, a substance that can reduce belly fat storage in animals, according to various studies. A controlled study of obese men who were given 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar a day for 12 weeks showed that their waist size decreased on average by 1.4 cm. Although no human studies have been done yet, it is safe for most people to take 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per day; this could lead to a modest reduction in fat.

17. Eat Probiotic food or take a supplement

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Probiotics are bacteria that occur in some foods and supplements. They are very healthy for a variety of reasons, including the intestines and stronger immune. Researchers have discovered that different types of bacteria play a role in weight regulation and the right balance in gut microbiome can help with weight loss, including loss of abdominal fat. The species that appear to help with the loss of abdominal fat include strains of the Lactobacillus family.

18. Try intermittent fasting

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Intermittent fasting has recently become very popular for losing weight. A popular version is that where you get fast for 24 hours 1 or 2 times a week. In another method, you fast 16 hours a day and eat all your food within 8 hours. In a survey of intermittent fasting and every-day fast, participants were found to experience 4-9% reduction in fat in a 6 to 26 week period.

19. Drink green tea

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

Green tea is a very healthy drink. It contains caffeine and the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Both stimulate digestion. The catechin EGCG has been shown to be effective in getting rid of abdominal fat according to various studies. That effect can be multiplied if drinking green tea is combined with exercise.

20. Change your lifestyle and combine different methods

The Top 20 Tips To Ensure Weight loss In 2020

If you want good results, you have to combine different methods that prove to work well. It is amazing that many of the methods are the same things that we usually associate with healthy eating and healthy lifestyles in general but do not implement. It is true that the key to abdominal fat loss consists of a lifestyle change. If you have healthy habits and eat good and unprocessed food, fat loss often follows naturally.

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